Real Estate Websites: Why You Don’t Need MLS Search on Your Website

As a real estate agent, having a strong online presence is crucial in today's digital age. When creating a website, many agents believe that they need an MLS search on their website. BUT, we are here to show you why that is not necessarily the case (and what you should be focusing on instead). 

In this blog post, we'll explore why real estate agents don't necessarily need an MLS search on their website:

  1. Redundancy: Many real estate websites already have MLS search functionality built into them, so adding it to your own website may be redundant. Buyers can easily search for properties through websites like Zillow,,, and Redfin, all of which have access to the MLS database. By having your own MLS search, you may be duplicating what is already available on other websites, which could make your website less appealing to potential clients. Most potential clients will go to these websites to search for property.

  2. The role of real estate agents: Real estate agents serve a critical role in the property transaction process, and having an MLS search on their website can detract from that role. While an MLS search may make it easier for buyers to find properties, it can also give them a false sense of control and make them less likely to seek the guidance and expertise of a real estate agent. Instead, real estate agents should focus on building relationships with clients, providing expert advice and guidance, and negotiating on their behalf.

  3. MLS information is not always accurate: While MLS databases are a reliable source of information, they are not always up-to-date. Properties can be listed for sale and then taken off the market, or their status can change, and these updates may not be reflected in the MLS database in real-time. As a result, real estate agents should always verify the accuracy of MLS information before presenting it to clients.

Your website should show your potential clients WHO YOU ARE!

Think of it as your online business card. Design it in a way that shows clients what you value, what you like to do, and gives them insight into who you are as a person. Using a generic Real Estate website (that everyone has) just for the MLS search function, doesn’t make you stand out OR show potential clients why they should work with you. 

The only time we think it’s very important to have an MLS search function is if you are using your website purely for lead generation. There are great platforms out there that do exactly this, such as Chime, Curator, etc. But if this isn’t your business plan, & you are more focused on relationship building and referrals, don’t worry too much about including a search on your website. 

There’s a lot of competition out there. Stand out and design a website & online presence that speaks to who you are, and I swear your clients will notice. 


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